Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just getting started

My name is Justin and I am the certified golf course superintendent of The Rim Golf Club.  I am trying this out for a while to increase communication with our membership.  I will try to mess around with this site to create an informative page for our members to check.  
Communication is the hardest thing here at our club and I intend to make things a lot more easier.  I will try to get this site linked with other things like our current weather, the playing condition, upcoming events and upcoming maintenance procedures.
The goal of this website/blog will make things a lot easier to understand while sometimes information may not be communicated in a timely manner out in the field since I may not run into some members for quite a while when they are traveling.
Thank you
Justin, C Ruiz, CGCS
The Rim Golf Club


The Rim Golf Club is a Great Place to Live and Play.

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