Monday, November 30, 2009

Monthly Greens Committee Report

Presented to The Rim Greens Committee


Golf Course Superintendent

Justin C. Ruiz, CGCS

November 2009

Course Condition

The recent late fall application of fertilizer has put some color into the course but, the cool weather is hardening off the grass to begin winter dormancy.

Projects Completed

The late fall fertilizer application was completed to not only provide proper carbohydrates for the plant to store during the winter but, also increase plant vigor during the green up process in the spring. I have posted an article on the course blog that explains in more detail the necessity of a late fall fertilizer application. click here to read more.

Projects in Process

The seasonal staff have been laid off for the winter and the main focus is to make sure we are getting all areas mowed once a week. The greens have been reduced to twice per week. We have had no problems following this schedule.

Outside of mowing the projects we are working on are cleaning out the water feature on 7, 8, and 9. We have removed cattails and weeds out of the creek with the backhoe in open areas. For the restricted access areas, we have purchased a saw blade for the weed eater that makes quick work of the cattails.

We are also keeping up with the maintenance of the irrigation system. The Round up had a recent article of the drought that has plagued us this year. Click here to read the Round up Article. Our water management techniques have proven to do well even in dry years like this one. I have a post on my blog that shows the hard data on what we have accomplished in this drought year. Read more.

Projects Planned

Future winter projects that we are looking at are as follows:

- Fixing the walk paths from tee to fairway

- Firewise

- Trimming the vegetation around the pro shop and restaurant

- Mowing the native

- Drive off repair

Ballmark and Divot Repair Party

We have been looking at setting up another work party for the members to help us out on the golf course. Look for the invitation in the next couple weeks. We haven’t nailed down a date yet but it will not be close to Christmas. You can see the post about our last ballmark and divot repair party. here.

Side Notes

As you know we were going to be spotlighted in Golfdom magazine for hole of the month for November. This can be viewed here.

I have also been asked to write an article on our water conservation practices for Golf Industry Magazine.

I have written an article for Golf Course Management Magazine about social media and how it can benefit communication and networking.

I have written an article based upon my presentation about best management practices for water conservation that will be published in a future Golf Course Industry magazine.

We will be spotlighted in an upcoming issue of Golfdom magazine on our water issues and how we have managed them.

I am still going to the San Diego conference and show to present our plan to reduce water usage through a combination of practices titled Every Last Drop. Here.

I have recently been invited as the first superintendent to sit on the council for The International Sustainability Council. They have asked me to help them launch their sustainable golf course management approach.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dan or me.

Justin C. Ruiz, CGCS


Dan Devere, CGCS



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